Sanibel Symposium Now Offering CEU Credits to Participants in the EU and UK

A Conversation with Dr. Richard Issitt
The Sanibel Symposium is one of the biggest perfusion events in the U.S., drawing in around a thousand people every year for this in-person and virtual conference. And in recent years, Sanibel has widened its global reach, especially with the integration of a hybrid platform that allows perfusionists to join in on activities via webcast. This has been a massive game changer as perfusionists from all over the world can be part of the conversation.
Furthering its efforts to add value internationally, Sanibel has some exciting news for participants living in the EU and UK: The EU’s European Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (EBCP) and the UK’s Society of Clinical Perfusion Scientists (SCPS) will award 8 continuing education credits/points each to Sanibel Symposium attendees, whether attending virtual or in-person. We sat down with Dr. Richard Issitt, Sanibel Symposium Scientific Session Program Manager, to learn more about this program and what it means for the perfusion community.
Bringing Sanibel to the International Stage
This year, the conference planning committee had a goal to turn the Sanibel Symposium into an international meeting of perfusionists and other cardiac professionals, giving participants a broad spectrum of views and learning about worldwide research.
In line with this goal, presenters from Australia, Thailand, Central Europe, the UK, Canada, and America were invited to speak at the event. This gathering of international perfusionists will open minds to the developments in global perfusion and present an opportunity for attendees to network and build new connections.
Opening Up Slots for International Internships
Another exciting thing international audiences can look forward to this year is the internship program. Through this program, students can help out and learn the ropes of setting up the conference. Aside from being a great addition to their CV, this internship can also be an excellent avenue for networking, allowing students to stand out from the crowd.
This year, the Sanibel Symposium has opened up internship slots for international students. All expenses will be paid for by the Symposium and the interns will get to work behind the scenes, acting as the frontline in terms of support. And the best part is that the interns get to experience the conference firsthand and have many opportunities to learn.
Moreover, as a sign of the continued support for perfusion education, the organizers are offering FREE virtual access to the entire events for all 1st and 2nd year perfusion students worldwide! The ethos behind the Sanibel Symposium is offering perfusionists access to some of the best and leading speakers and researchers in the field. Offering this opportunity at an early career stage will ensure that the profession continues to move forward.
What This Means for International Perfusionists
Currently, there are not many opportunities for perfusionists in the UK to really get to know what’s going on in American perfusion. And the same can be said for other Europeans and Americans wanting to learn more about the global perfusion scene.
With more international speakers and the ability to provide UK and EU continuing education credits, Sanibel Symposium can now bring together the knowledge of perfusionists from all over the globe. The virtual attendance option allows perfusionists who cannot travel to physically be present at the event to join in on these important discussions and exchange ideas with their international counterparts.
Sanibel Symposium: Broadening Perspectives
As the old saying goes, “travel broadens the mind.”
The great thing about these international meetings is that perfusionists can network with people from different backgrounds. And in these differences, there is an opportunity to learn. Perfusionists can see other people’s perspectives and how they do things in their part of the world, allowing them to reflect on their own systems and how they can improve upon it. In the end, they come away as far more rounded individuals and perfusionists.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet perfusionists from all over the world and exchange thoughtful conversations! Secure your spot at the Sanibel Symposium by signing up now!
About Richard Issitt

As perhaps many perfusionists can relate, Richard found perfusion completely by accident. Richard was originally a geneticist starting out his PhD. While doing research in the lab in the early hours of the morning, he had an epiphany that this wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life.
As he was trying to figure out his next career move, he stumbled upon a perfusion job online, which piqued his curiosity. When he applied for the job, he was told how a cell saver worked and was handed a pack to put together. And just like the pack, everything fell right into place.
Since then, Richard has fallen in love with Pediatrics and has dedicated his life to that for the better part of his perfusion career. While he mostly works in research – helping out PhD and postdoctoral students – Richard occasionally goes back into the operating theater to remind himself of what the real work is about.
Richard fondly recalls a perfusion textbook his grandfather, Bill, had bought him when he was just starting his training. Inside the cover, Bill wrote an inscription with the words, “for the profession that chose you” – a sentiment that resonates with many perfusionists.