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Low-Flow Perfusion Via the Innominate Artery During Aortic Arch Operations Provides Only Limited Somatic Circulatory Support
Aortic arch operations in pediatric patients using low-flow perfusion techniques have been standardized to a certain degree, but some of the often-stated beneficial effects have never been proven. Especially, the existence or efficacy of any subdiaphragmal perfusion still remains unclear.
Differential Expression in Markers for Thrombin, Platelet Activation, and Inflammation in Cell Saver Versus Systemic Blood in Patients Undergoing On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Elimination of cardiotomy suction increases reliance on cell-saver blood-conservation techniques.
Effect of the oXiris Membrane on Microcirculation after Cardiac Surgery under Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Study Protocol for A Randomised Controlled Trial (OXICARD Study)
Cytokine storm and endotoxin release during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) have been related to vasoplegic shock and organ dysfunction. We hypothesised that early (during CPB) cytokine adsorption with oXiris membrane for patients at high risk of inflammatory syndrome following cardiac surgery may improve microcirculation, endothelial function and outcomes.