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Surgical (operative) Air: A Historical Perspective
Editor’s Note: I was reviewing some data related to the accidental de-priming of the MPS Microplegia delivery system, when in the process, […]
Revascularization Surgery as a Treatment Concept for Heart Failure
Patients with heart failure symptoms due to ischemic cardiomyopathy face a poor prognosis without adequate treatment. In these patients with viable ischemic myocardium, revascularization surgery is not a new but an established treatment concept.
Preliminary Study of Serum Biomarkers Associated With Delirium After Major Cardiac Surgery
FGF-21, FGF-23, interleukin-6, and monocyte chemotactic protein-3 serum levels were increased postoperatively in patients who developed delirium after major cardiac surgery. This study identified two members of the FGF family as potential putative systemic biomarkers for postoperative delirium after cardiac surgery, suggesting a possible role for metabolic recovery in the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying neurocognitive dysfunction.