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Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementVacuum-Assisted Venous Drainage in Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Need of Blood Transfusion: Experience of Service

Vacuum-Assisted Venous Drainage in Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Need of Blood Transfusion: Experience of Service


To report the experience with the vacuum-assisted venous drainage (VAVD) technique in cardiopulmonary bypass (CPBP) and blood transfusion need.


A retrospective study was made about data from 111 patients who were operated, using VAVD between October 2006 and February 2008, at the Esperança Hospital, Recife, Pernambuco. The necessity of blood transfusion was verified on the single group of patients who underwent VAVD, comparing with sex, age and weigh, before the beginning of the CPBP and during the surgery, using Chi-square test and t-student test.


Before the beginning of the CPBP only 10% of patients had need for blood transfusion and 12% during the surgery. It was observed that 17% of women received blood transfusion versus 4.7% of men before the beginning of CPBP (P=0.51), and 38% of women versus 9% of men during the surgery (P<0.001). The weight of patients who received blood transfusion were lower both before the beginning of the CPBP as during the surgery (P=0.049 e P=0.001, respectively).


The VAVD technique has been used safely and satisfactorily, optimizing venous drainage during CPBP, in the hospital that conducted the study. However, prospective and comparative investigations between conventional drainage and VAVD are needed to better clarify this relation with blood transfusion.

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