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Can Higher Body Mass Index Patients Save Blood Following On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting?
Our findings suggest higher BMI may reduce postoperative bleeding volume and transfusion rate, thus such patients may save blood products during on-pump CABG.
Preservation of Renal Endothelial Integrity and Reduction of Renal Edema by Aprotinin Does Not Preserve Renal Perfusion and Function Following Experimental Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Aprotinin did not improve renal perfusion nor reduce renal injury during the first hour following experimental CPB despite preservation of renal endothelial integrity and reduction of renal edema.
The Effect of Restrictive Versus Liberal Transfusion Strategies on Longer-Term Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis
In adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery, a restrictive transfusion strategy reduces RBC transfusion without impacting mortality rate or the incidence of other perioperative complications.