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The Novick Cardiac Alliance: An Introduction


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Editor’s Note:

I have been in contact with Dr. Novick, and Brian Forsberg LP, CCP, MPH, for almost the entire tenure of the Circuit Surfers blog.  I am impressed that our approaches and goals are so similarly tuned, and have always believed in what they (and this blog) stand for.

Thus, this post is to once again reintroduce you to one of the best reasons to be in the field of perfusion: To make a difference.

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Dr William Novick

Dear Friends,I am writing to introduce you to the William Novick Global Cardiac Alliance (NCA), a new non-profit charity founded by me and those who wanted to further my dream to help children around the globe with congenital heart disease. After 22 years of operating on 7500 children in 32 countries with International Children’s Heart Foundation, a significant number of us have left and continued the original vision by founding the William Novick Global Cardiac Alliance (NCA).  READ MORE

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Where We Are Now and Where We Are Going

May brings Cardiac Alliance to  Honduras, Macedonia, and Libya! Next month we will travel to Russia, Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan, and Geneva, Switzerland!  See what we have planned for 2015 and look for current updates

How You Can Help

YOU are our “heart”, the pumping force of our organization without YOU we would not be able to extend our services around the world.
Join us by volunteeringdonating, and spreading the word in your community.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Meet Mila – Her Mother is very happy to have a healthy and smiling child as a result of her successful surgery. Celebrate Mother’s Day with us and help Cardiac Alliance make even more moms happy by helping their children to have long and healthy lives.  DONATE NOW and we will send a Mother’s Day message to your mom or to anyone you feel has been a mother to you!

Dr. Novick and Staff Honored in Pakistan

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever, in this lifetime, have a pediatric cardiac surgical wing dedicated to me and my colleagues.  Well it has happened! Our work in Pakistan was rewarded with just such a dedication.” READ MORE

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Thank you to our Sponsor – Nova Biomedical

Cardiac Alliance is excited to begin our research study on ionized magnesium in infants after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery in collaboration with Nova Biomedical. Special thanks to Nova Biomedical for the loan of the “pHox plusM” blood analyzer for this international study

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