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Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo and Ginseng and the Effects on the Perioperative Period (EP Video)
Michelle Benson discusses the effect of herbal medications on the perioperative coagulation status (11:48 minutes).
Low-Flow Perfusion Via the Innominate Artery During Aortic Arch Operations Provides Only Limited Somatic Circulatory Support
Aortic arch operations in pediatric patients using low-flow perfusion techniques have been standardized to a certain degree, but some of the often-stated beneficial effects have never been proven. Especially, the existence or efficacy of any subdiaphragmal perfusion still remains unclear.
The Effect of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Prime Volume on the Need for Blood Transfusion After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
There is increasing awareness that erythrocyte transfusions after pediatric cardiac surgery have deleterious effects. Despite reports of decreased transfusion requirements associated with smaller cardiopulmonary bypass circuits, the relationship between circuit prime volume and need for transfusion has not been systematically examined.