Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneThe Effect of Non-Technical Factors on Extubation Times in Cardiac Surgery in a Low Volume Community Hospital (EP Video)The Effect of Non-Technical Factors on Extubation Times in Cardiac Surgery in a Low Volume Community Hospital (EP Video)Epic StaffingMain Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone TAVR Case Studies and TEE Images (EP Video) Dr. Arvind Kapila presents a few case studies on the TAVR experience at JFK Medical Center (39:01 minutes).
Circuit Surfers, Covid 19 Cloth Surgical Masks- with Disposable Inserts are an Excellent Work Around! Editor’s Note: The mask I am wearing is one of four cloth masks that were custom made for me by Caitlyn Bondank, […]
Biologics Zone Platelet Gel for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Platelet gel is an innovative technique that holds many advantages, including comfort, hemostasis, and growth factors that may improve wound healing.