Protamine Shortage: Update

Update … You can add MgSO4 to that list …
“Labor & Delivery would be a good ancillary source for MgSO4 if you use it in your cardioplegia or otherwise.“
Steve Sutton, LP, CCP
Some updates on why some Hospitals are running short on Protamine supplies.
Heads up and thanks to Mr. Steve Sutton, LP, CCP out of Baylor University for doing some research and investigation in to the matter:
It’s a “Note” not a Quote …
Apparently two other manufacturers of Protamine have had FDA related issues and it has affected their ability to manufacture or distribute this drug.
The small (50mg) vials seem to be obtainable, but the larger vials (250 mg) are hard to get.
This seems to be more of a geographically centered issue (the U.S.)
I guess I would ask our International guests and readers to lend a hand in terms of finding other manufacturing bases from which to draw from.
What do you guys think? Any input or information would be helpful.
To view a National Shortage List – Click Here
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