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Agglutinins and Cardiac Surgery: A Web Based Survey of Cardiac Anaesthetic Practice; Questions Raised and Possible Solutions
Cardiac surgery involves cardiopulmonary bypass during which the core temperature is generally lowered to hypothermic levels.Because of the absence of hospital policies and of clear UK guidelines that explain how to manage such cases, we decided to conduct a web-based survey regarding standard anaesthesia practice in patients with both cold and warm autoantibodies presenting for cardiac surgery.
Validation of Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Using an Artificial Lung During Adult Pulsatile Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Our experience in utilizing tcCO2 during CPB has demonstrated accuracy in estimating PaCO2 when compared to the gold standard arterial blood gas analysis, even during CO2 flooding of the surgical field.
Centrifugal and Roller Pumps in Neonatal & Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
A total of four studies with 9111 patients were included. There was a statistically significant difference in in-hospital mortality, favoring the groups where roller pumps were used. Roller pumps were associated with fewer episodes of hemolysis, mechanical complications, cardiac complications, renal complications, and less inotropic support. ECMO with roller pumps may be associated with lower mortality in children. Roller pumps were associated with fewer complications, as well as reduced hemolysis and use of inotropes.