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Impact of Major Bleeding and Blood Transfusions after Cardiac Surgery: Analysis from the Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy (ACUITY) Trial
In patients with acute coronary syndromes, RBC transfusion of ≥4 U after CABG is strongly associated with subsequent mortality.
Association of Disposable Perioperative Jackets With Surgical Site Infections in a Large Multicenter Health Care Organization
The results of this study suggest that the use of perioperative disposable jackets is not associated with reductions in SSI for clean wounds in a large multicenter health care organization and presents a fiscal burden.
Platelet Concentrate Preparation In The Office Setting: A Comparison of Manual and Automated Devices
This report summarizes the results of testing performed to assess the platelet yield, increase above baseline platelet concentration, and growth factor release of the automated Harvest Technologies SmartPReP Platelet Concentrate System verses manual technique laboratory centrifuges involving both single and double spin techniques.