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Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support In COVID-19: An International Cohort Study of The Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Registry
In patients with COVID-19 who received ECMO, both estimated mortality 90 days after ECMO and mortality in those with a final disposition of death or discharge were less than 40%. These data from 213 hospitals worldwide provide a generalisable estimate of ECMO mortality in the setting of COVID-19.
Organization of Outcome-Based Quality Improvement in Dutch Heart Centres
Although these heart centres in the Netherlands measure health outcomes for the majority of cardiac diseases, the actual use of these outcomes to improve quality of care remains limited.
Tirone David Valve-Sparing Aortic Root Replacement and Cusp Repair for Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease
The durability of valve-sparing aortic root replacement with or without cusp repair in patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) disease is questioned. We analyzed the results of 75 patients with a BAV undergoing Tirone David reimplantation valve-sparing aortic root replacement.