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Perfusion NewswireCircuit SurfersMerry Christmas From ‘Surfers & PDC!!

Merry Christmas From ‘Surfers & PDC!!

Editor’s Note:

It’s been a tough Year for all of us. I started the year out in Augusta, GA, then off to Northern Indiana, then 6 months in Ann Arbor, MI, from there to Join a team in KY as well as a week in Hot Springs AR.

Every place the same story- Perfusionists doing amazing work under incredibly pessimistic circumstances. Not one place were any of us daunted by COVID. None of us back away- and I am so PROUD of that.

There are so many people I need to thank…

The fantastic team in Ann Arbor- Guided by Jeralyn

Iris the Virus! Yeah you 🙂

Carla (from the Ex Presidents Club)

The good Dr J in Augusta!!! I miss you 🙂

The 3 Musketeers in PikeVille (soon to be 4)- Justin, Ben, and Nick- YOU GUYS ROCK!

And of course – Lancelot Link- 🙂

And of course Sandy M down in Hot Springs- an amazing person as well as perfusionist.

YOU are the glue that makes it all work. Way to be brave- way to overcome adversity!

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