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Perfusion NewswireCircuit SurfersLetters From Pakistan: Questions on the CardioHelp System

Letters From Pakistan: Questions on the CardioHelp System


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Editor’s Note:

Hi Guys,

I got this letter from a Pakistani perfusionist via LinkedIn.  If any of you have any Experience using the CardioHelp System, can you send replies here to ‘Surfers?

I have no experience with the device, so it would be inappropriate for me to offer blind and gratuitous advice.  Please submit them  to the email below, or if possible share your insight with the community in the comments section below.

Thanks ! = = 🙂




Dear Frank,

Hello I am a cardiac perfusionist from Pakistan want to ask some questions if you can answer it I will be obliged.

1: We want to buy CARDIO HELP SYSTEM for our center. Do you think that this machine can help us as LVAD / BiVAD?
2: If a patient can not wean from CPB can we use it along with IABP?
3: Do you have any personal experience with this machine?

You can contact me on [email protected]. Waiting for your reply.

A. Q. Khan


Hi Abdul,

Thanks for the note. 

See my comments above.  I am sure someone will be able to assist you in this better than myself.

As far as a VAD and IABP being used simultaneously, yes I have seen it done numerous times.  If it’s an LVAD you won’t have a pressure trigger- but the EKG trigger should be fine.

Hopefully you shall get some good suggestions here or directly to your email.

Thank you again for visiting and reading Circuit Surfers.


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