Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneIntegration of Perfusion Data Management Systems with the ICEBP Registry (Video)Integration of Perfusion Data Management Systems with the ICEBP Registry (Video)Epic StaffingMain Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone PERForm Registry: An Insider’s Perspective (EP Video) Carmen Leone presents details on the PERForm registry (26:40 minutes).
Biologics Zone, Main Zone, Mobile Zone Platelet-Rich Plasma Versus Platelet-Poor Plasma in the Management of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Comparative Study The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency of platelet releasate on the healing of chronic diabetic ulcers in comparison with platelet-poor plasma (PPP).
Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Angioplasty During Off-hours Associated With Poor Outcome NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – As a treatment for acute MI, coronary angioplasty is less likely to be successful and is tied […]