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From Less Invasive to Minimal Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation
MiECC use translates to improved end-organ protection and clinical outcome, as evidenced in multiple clinical trials and meta-analyses. MICS performed with MiECC provides the basis for developing a multidisciplinary intraoperative strategy towards a “more physiologic” cardiac surgery by combining small surgical trauma with minimum body’s physiology derangement. Integration of MiECC can advance MICS from non-full sternotomy for selected patients to a “more physiologic” surgery, which represents the real face of modern cardiac surgery in the transcatheter era.
Human factors and ergonomics in the operating room
Physical, cognitive, and organizational ergonomics are the three categories of safety and comfort for the person who interacts with the system, process, or object within the Operating Room’s environment.
Current Devices for Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support and Mechanical Circulatory Support Systems in the United States
The aim of this review manuscript was to discuss briefly the current devices for pediatric ECLS and MCS available in US.