Perfusion NewswireEducation ZoneInfection Prevention and ControlInfection Prevention and ControlEpic StaffingEducation Zone, Multimedia Zone
Circuit Surfers, Seeking Position in Europe/Africa : Dragan Jovanovic “Looking for a position in Europe, Africa, or other parts of the World“ [38] Dear Mr. Frank, I’m a perfusionist with long […]
Blood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone Thromboelastography and the Management of Coagulopathy During Cardiopulmonary Bypass (EP Video) Dr. Timothy H. Pohlman discusses the use of the TEG for management of coagulopathy during CPB (38:12 minutes).
Main Zone, Perfusion Zone A Comparison of Activated Coagulation Time-Based Techniques for Anticoagulation During cardiac Surgery With Cardiopulmonary Bypass This study compared the efficacy of a modified ACT-based system versus an HMS (Hepcon; Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, MN) for CPB anticoagulation.