Hybrid OR [3] Day 1 Debut

In Technicolor or Black & White ?
Editor’s Note:
Over the past year or so, a Hybrid room as been under construction, here in West Texas. Being very close to one of the cardiac operating rooms- during this process, the sounds of drilling and hammering mix in with Pink Floyd, Annie Lennox, some “ya-done-me-wrong” Texas love/beer songs- and just became another little bump in the road, during a distal anastamosis- or a mitral repair.
That was a lot of fun- let me tell ‘ya…
“HYBRID” sounds so alien and foreign. As if it referred to some sort of experiment in cross species genetic mutations or breeding. In other words- another sequel to Jurassic Park…
What in actuality it truly is-
A unique team approach of heart surgeons and interventional cardiologists, sharing a common effort to cure heart disease, will enable complex cardiac interventions through minimally invasive treatments in this new hybrid OR setting.
The cardiac Hybrid OR brings together the best of cardiology and the best of cardiac surgery by providing a diagnostic and operative environment with the most advanced imaging technology and surgical robotics, including the DaVinci robot. Patients in this OR can receive treatments ranging from stents all the way to minimally invasive bypass surgery performed with the DaVinci robot.
Source: https://www.umm.edu/heart/hybrid-or.htm#ixzz2KFU2WkW1
T Minus a few days … (Click on images to enlarge)
Wow! Our NEW Hybrid OR !
The Power Source …
Looks like a place where people from the future- travel back in time- to change the past 🙂
Highly Paid Models wearing O.R. Scrubs … (Vanna White got started like this)
STUCK! In a Time Vortex Worm Hole …
BUILD IT… And they Shall Come …
Meet Kieth (left) and Brad from the Stryker Team.
They have worked on this for over a year- to make today happen. A couple of really nice and professional guys- that are clearly very dedicated to their work. I was very impressed with their professional conduct and commitment.
T minus 1 Day (Click on images to enlarge)
Where’s Perfusion ???
My Friends: Gene & Manuel- Helped us get the pump in 🙂 Gracias !
ECC- Fully functional and ready to go: Note the prehistoric HC
We Have Lift Off ! T minus Zero (Click on images to enlarge)
Houston (Lubbock) Control Center
At the head of the table …
A 3 dimensional SOMETHING… (Not of this world 🙂 )
Always ready !
And… The 2nd Procedure is Off and Running … (Click on images to enlarge)
The Pod-Peoples part II
Chels- Haaay
Our Cath Lab Peeps …
The Smile says it All ! Mission Accomplished.
They Sensed- “A Disturbance in the Force”
Captain Majestik and his tools –
Leslie- One of the best ever Nurses in CV !
So much traffic- we needed a crossing guard ! (Just kidding- she is an NP that get’s it ALL rolling).
Waiting to Launch …