Globalize Higher Medical Education to Address the Post Pandemic Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted higher education, medical education, and healthcare globally. To succeed in times of uncertainty, medical schools will have to adapt to the post-COVID-19 era and renew their international activities. To make a difference in communities at the local, national, and international levels, they must strengthen their global presence.
Internationalization is the best way to exchange knowledge, improve medical curricula, and mobilize talent and resources for research and teaching. To remain competitive, universities must expand their international activities. This article highlights several proposals to enhance internationalization of higher medical education institutions in the post-COVID-19 era.
According to the broader definition of internationalization of medical education (IoME), it intentionally adds an international, multicultural, or global dimension to medical education to improve the quality of medical education and prepare all graduates for professional practice in a globalized world.
It is best described as a process of integration. This allows doctors to see themselves as part of a global medical community and to work together to solve health problems on a global scale. The IoME therefore promotes international medical understanding and cooperation, minimizes medical nationalism, and equitably improves the health of all people around the world.
The roots of the internationalization of higher education go back centuries. However, IoME is still a relatively new area of modern medical education. There is a dearth of studies and publications in global medical literature.
IoME is sometimes confused with the term research in global health education and is often used interchangeably. However, IoME should not be equated with global health education. The latter is often aimed at low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Although the IoME represents a global phenomenon, understandings and perspectives of the Global North have traditionally been dominant and thus address only a limited range of activities that take place globally.
Supporting Article: Internationalization of higher medical education in the post-COVID-19 era
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