From Turkey: Type II Aortic Dissection
Editor’s Note:
I was cruising through FB this morning, before watching Purdue play college football today (another “W” for the other team) when my friend Mehmet Çetintaş tagged me with this post on a type II aortic dissection in which antegrade cerebral protection was employed. I included a roughly translated thread attached to this picture to demonstrate the rich potential new media offers us in terms of sharing our experiences 🙂
Enjoy your Saturday!
The Discussion on FaceBook
Tuba Salvanoğlu Türk Mehmet vaka ne anlayamadım burdan.
I don’t understand what mehmet case…… Get out of here
Serdar Karagöz Tip 1 direksiyon+ bentall mi abi bu vaka?
Type 1 Direksiyon+ Bentall right man, this is the case?
Dila Eser ıkı kere anatomı gormus bırı olarak soruyorum burası neresı:))
Two times bırı anatomı seen this all I’m asking as this is neresı :))
Mehmet Çetintaş bizim evin köşesi
Our corner of the house
Mehmet Çetintaş etekli benthall tip I tip II tip III diseccion Hemiarcus open tevar
Etekli Benthall Tip Tip Tip II and iii diseccion hemiarcus open tevar
Metin Akbayrak Bizim pompa gelmis daha biz goremedik
We came, we pump more goremedik
Cuneyt Imamoglu Tca ne kadar sürdü hocam eline sağlık
Tca how long did it take you, teacher. Well done
Mehmet Çetintaş axiller kanulasyon antegrad serebral perfuzyon
Anything in the cerebral perfuzyon kanulasyon more antegrade
Mehmet Çetintaş asendan desandan aort anevrizmasi hemi arcus
Ascending aorta desandan anevrizmasi hemi arcus
Mehmet Çetintaşbu amaliyatların detaylı bigisiniCircuit Surfers dünyanın enbüyük perfüzyon sitesinden elde edebilirsiniz bir sadace Türkiye deki yaptıklarımızı paylaşıyoruz.Frank Aprile bu konularda daha bilgilidir.
This is the detailed amaliyatların bigisini Circuit Surfers website perfusion gamer in the world can be obtained only in a turkey we share what we did. Frank Aprile in these matters…… More knowledge.