Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneEmergent Transventricular Cannulation for a Salvage TAVR Procedure (EP Video)Emergent Transventricular Cannulation for a Salvage TAVR Procedure (EP Video)Epic StaffingMain Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone A Comparison Study of Haemolysis Production in Three Contemporary Centrifugal Pumps This study demonstrated that all three pumps produced low levels of haemolysis and are suitable for use in a clinical environment.
Blood Management, Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter A 0.6-Protamine/Heparin Ratio in Cardiac Surgery is Associated with Decreased Transfusion of Blood Products A 0.6/1-protamine/heparin ratio after weaning from CPB is associated with a significantly reduced 12-h postoperative blood loss and blood components transfusion.
Circuit Surfers, Covid 19, ECMO News Media Describes ECMO as… “Brutal” Editor’s Note: I’m not used to turning on the TV and watching a news report discuss anything at all related to perfusion. […]