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Improving the Specificity of the PF4 ELISA in Diagnosing Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
We examined whether the specificity of the PF4 ELISA can be improved by 1) taking antibody potency into consideration, 2) by measuring only IgG antibodies, and 3) by utilizing a high concentration heparin inhibition step.
Safety and Effects of Two Red Blood Cell Transfusion Strategies in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
For patients with a non-cyanotic congenital heart defect undergoing elective cardiac surgery, a restrictive RBC transfusion policy (threshold of Hb 8.0 g/dl) during the entire perioperative period is safe, leads to a shorter hospital stay and is less expensive.
Position Paper on Global Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Education and Educational Agenda for the Future: A Statement From the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization ECMOed Taskforce
Significant variability and limitations in global extracorporeal membrane oxygenation education exist. In this position paper, we outline a road map for standardizing international extracorporeal membrane oxygenation education and practitioner certification.