Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementCurrent Trends in Blood Management (EP Video)Current Trends in Blood Management (EP Video)Epic StaffingBlood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone
Circuit Surfers, Heart Surgery in America Heart Surgery in America: Thursday 2.0 Click HERE for the entire Series… 24 Hours… of ECMO Past Midnight… Ghost Stories & What-Not 3:00 am Ghost stories So it’s […]
Biologics Zone, Main Zone Influence of Platelet-Rich Plasma on the Histologic Characteristics of the Autologous Fat Graft to the Upper Lip of Rabbits This study evaluated the influence of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on the histologic characteristics of autologous fat grafts to the upper lip of rabbits.
Blood Management, Main Zone, Multimedia Zone Principles of Hemostasis in the Coumadin Clinic (Video) Dr. Ferris discusses the principles of hemostasis in the coumadin clinic (21 minutes).