CREF 2014: Live Blog- Day 3

Editors Note:
Welcome on Day 3 of CREF 2014! I am attending this year, and have been Live Blogging this event throughout the conference. Please check back often for updates as they happen.
Thanks for following ‘Surfers, and enjoy the conference
Frank Aprile, BBA, LP, CCP
Circuit Surfers dot com
Day 3 Schedule:
Notes & Observations:
The Design Considerations in Oxygenation Systems was a very well put together presentation. It covered a lot of ground in terms of the engineering behind the ECC design, and trade-offs as well as down to earth comparisons so that a layman could understand it.
It was succinct, and a paradigm shift as it was delivered from the analytical perspective of an engineer. I learned a lot from it, but more importantly- gained a new respect for the thought process that goes behind the continuous improvement and development of better systems. A very nice primer- well spoken presenter.
Kudos to Medtronic– for thinking outside the box on this one
The luncheon was good, (and I was starving) but the presentation was better- so that pretty much says what needs to be said.
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Live Blog- CREF Day 3
Well it was a good day.
A lot of dialogue with some very good people. Was both humbled and almost embarrassed as two perfusionists thanked me for what I was doing. It was an honor, but am not in this gig for fame or accolades, just want a better system than the archaic and in my opinion- broken system we have as a perfusion network.
Leniency and tolerance are also a plus side to advancing dialogue between cultures in our profession. Every discussion does not have to become a “pump run analysis”, that is usually scored at many levels- and certainly should never become antagonistic.
A wake up call so to speak, is an adrenaline rush going fro 0-60 mph to do what we do. And that’s where it stops or should stop. Second guesses are simply that- speculation and conjecture from uninvolved parties- who had nothing on the line with whatever hideous circumstances you were confronted with the night before- and then tried to share with your peers the next day.
So anyway- here are some of today’s pictures and highlights.
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A very cool concept to introduce the participants to one another, a medium for job opportunities, a section for self disclosure (see the next section below), and a current events for the CREF conference section. It was different, and effective.
The Things That Keep You Awake @ Night
Click on any and all images to enlarge
This is self explanatory and a segway to a prior post I had written titled “Perfusion Dreams”
The Turkish Dude
His name is Tamer Sari, current president of the Turkish Perfusion Society.
A really fun and nice guy. He came a long way to hang with us, and I gave him some tips as to where to get the best deals on cool North Face gear and clothing.
You will be seeing a post or two from him written in Turkish- for the perfusionists in the Turkish Society
Dr. Bruce Speiss
Yeah- that guy!
A true legend in the world of Cardiac Anesthesia.
I met him as he was looking at some of the perfusion art. He was TOTALLY complimentary, which blew my mind, because I told him that I had used so many of his articles as references when writing some of my own articles/book chapters.
The MDA/Perfusionist from Hong Kong
Dr. Low comes with a rare skill set- both a perfusionist and and Anesthesiologist, hailing from Hong Kong, China.
Very articulate in English, with a slight English accent when he spoke. We discussed the team dynamics and interplay that come to surface when unexpected events occur, and how arriving at a safe clinical outcome is truly a euphoric high
I asked him to write an article or two for “Surfers.
The Circle of Life
Nadia Azuero- CCP and currently in Med School. Huge contributor to the art gallery- in terms of art submissions, as well as moral support for the concept of the ‘Surfers blog. Here she is standing next to 2 of her own pieces of art- (far right and far left).
At the end of the day, I arranged the art collection in a semi circle in the large foyer outside of the conference doors.
A stone Henge type concept in the middle of the Bayfont Hilton. It was well received and had that “gallery feel” to it.
All in all? This was worthwhile venture, and a paradigm shift for more than a few people. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to introduce and share the potential of
Thank you ALL- for such a warm reception!
Order Prints from The Perfusion Art Gallery
Click image above to order prints