Covid 19: ITALY Will Prevail !

Editor’s Note:
All I can say is that I have known Giuseppe Salerno since I started this blog. I love this man- because he is so very straight up and just a very decent human being.
He cares- and that stands out in all things G (my short name for Giuseppe).
We have never met- BUT I consider him a brother. I have huge respect and have watched him live is life on FB and I admire him and his family. I asked him to share his thoughts on what is happening in Italy. He is courageous- of that I am certain. IMO- his dedication is a true torch for all of us to follow- and I am proud to be his friend. He shares his thoughts and insight below-
God Bless ITALY
Food for Thought: Social Media…
Covid 19: ITALY Will Prevail !
Hi Frank
I send you my thoughts on the covid-19 infection in Italy.
I am locked up in the house just as the government has imposed on us.
In this period my country is really facing a difficult moment, it is fighting a war with an invisible, fast, aggressive enemy that causes death.
A few weeks ago he arrived in a country in northern Italy, he took us by surprise, we were not ready.
In a very short time it has spread among the people and has infected the whole of northern Italy.
The infected are sometimes asymptomatic, others develop flu-like symptoms and others end up in the hospital, the most serious require intensive care treatment for respiratory failure and the elderly, above all, with other diseases die.
The hospitals of northern Italy are collapsing, they are full of patients to be treated, there are few health workers and they are no longer able to manage the emergency.
Many of them have become infected, some are serious. Intensive care beds are scarce, mechanical respirators are scarce, the means of protection for operators are scarce: masks, overalls, gloves.
Some patients have been treated with ECMO, but few compared to H1N1 flu.
Where I live, southern Italy, has arrived but the numbers are limited for now, but an increase is expected in the coming weeks, because many people from the north, where they work or study, have returned home to the south to their parents or relatives.
The government has taken several measures to contain the infections: avoid being in groups, keeping a meter away, washing your hands often, wearing masks and gloves. It has blocked all public and private events where there are groups of people, has closed shops, hypermarkets, parks. It has only left open centers where they sell food and pharmacies.
It forces us to stay indoors and go out only for work, to buy food or for urgency.
Cities are empty, spooky, they look like movie scenes that we have seen in cinemas.
It is hoped that all this will serve to limit infections and reduce deaths.
We are at war, we are under attack, but we are Italians, we are strong and as always we will be able to win.
We thank those who have been close to us in this complicated period.
In this period we have created a “mood” that pulls us up: “tutto andrà bene” (picture with my daughter)”everything will be fine”…
This is the hope that makes us overcome fear!
Thanks, our Italian friend 🙂
during the queue to enter the supermarket
“Andrà tutto bene” “everything will be fine”