Cloth Surgical Masks- with Disposable Inserts are an Excellent Work Around!

Editor’s Note:
The mask I am wearing is one of four cloth masks that were custom made for me by Caitlyn Bondank, owner of a custom sewing business called SewingSolutions.ME.
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I had approached her about making and designing these masks in lieu of our current shortage and current suggestions of re-use options that are TOTALLY unacceptable!
So anyway I would recommend cloth masks as an option that is viable and a good work around.
Here are the reasons why:
- The masks are cloth and well made.
- The masks have an insert sleeve for a filter OR barrier.
- 2 masks will get you through a day easily- and then can be hand washed and dried.
- The inserts don’t need to be filters- please review the data below in terms of efficacy and longevity of current disposable surgical masks.
- The inserts can be one of many options: ALL impermeable barriers.
- Sialastic sheeting cut to fit the shape of the sleeve pocket
- Thick plastic sheeting found at any hardware store- either in roles or pre-cut sheets
- A small plastic sandwich bag- or whatever you have that will fit into the sleeve and not collapse.
YEP! These will do just fine as shield inserts 🙂
There are many reasons I suggest we bypass (no pun) commercial filters out there:
- They are hard to find, AND would be short in supply very quickly- AND wouldn’t be effective at all: Why?
- surgical/procedure masks are intended to help put a barrier between the wearer and the work environment or
sterile field. They may help keep spit and mucous generated by the wearer from reaching a patient or medical equipment.
They can also be used as a fluid barrier to help keep blood splatter from reaching the wearer’s mouth and nose.
However, surgical/procedure masks cannot provide certified respiratory protection unless they are also designed, tested, and
government-certified as a respirator. - If a wearer wants to reduce inhalation of smaller, inhalable particles (those smaller than 100 microns), they need to obtain and properly use a government-certified respirator, such as a NIOSH-certified N95 filtering facepiece particulate respirator. If the wearer needs a combination surgical/procedure mask and a particulate respirator, they should use a product that is both cleared by FDA as a surgical/procedure mask and tested and certified by NIOSH as a particulate respirator. Such products are sometimes called a “medical respirator,” “health care respirator,” or “surgical N95.”
- surgical/procedure masks are intended to help put a barrier between the wearer and the work environment or
What are the arguments that suggest that an impermeable insert would be the better solution?
- It actually prevents exhaled droplets and bacteria from escaping forwardly out of your mouth and through the mask-
- It would not present an issue in our ability to breathe- since just like all disposable masks- they do not create a sealed enclosed environment- rather the side flaps allow us to breathe and at the same time vent our breaths backward away from our mouths– which s why no one ever turns their head around when they sneeze or cough at the surgical field.
The Bottom Line?
Surgical masks do 2 things well:
- Prevent dissemination of mucous, spit, and particulate matter from medical personnel to the patient.
- Prevent dissemination of blood, mucous, spit, and particulate matter from the patient to our medical personnel.
What don’t they do?
- They don’t protect you from sprayed or airborne viral or bacterial infection.
After 150 minutes of wearing the same mask-
You might as well not be wearing one at all-
Let’s Get Past This 🙂
Pump Strong (bcf)
Graphs from a study supporting the fact that surgical masks are essentially useless after 2.5 hours are offered up below to support this argument.
Bottom Line: After 150 minutes- Fabric Face Masks are useless in terms of containing bacteria.
Bottom Line: After 150 minutes- Disposable Face Masks are useless in terms of containing bacteria.