Pediatric ECMO for Post-Operative Cardiac Arrest: A Case Presentation (EP Video)
Dr. Manny Brito presents a case report on pediatric ECMO for post-operative cardiac arrest (38:01 minutes).
Heartmate and the Normal Life: A Patients Perspective (EP Video)
Reiss Tatum discusses his life with a Heartmate 2 VAD implanted (43:21 minutes).
Regional Oximetry: New Science and Applications (EP Video)
Michael Boylan discusses some new applications for regional cerebral oximetry (26:30 minutes).
Evolving Science of Platelets and PRP (EP Video)
Douglas Meeks discusses the current trends with Platelet-Rich Plasma (39:24 minutes).
Emergent Transventricular Cannulation for a Salvage TAVR Procedure (EP Video)
Erin Herrman presents a case report on emergent transventricular cannulation on a TAVR salvage (27:45 minutes).
TAVR: CoreValve and Conscious Sedation (EP Video)
Dr. Lee Lucas discusses Lee memorial's experience with CoreValve and conscious sedation (42:30 minutes).
TAVR Case Studies and TEE Images (EP Video)
Dr. Arvind Kapila presents a few case studies on the TAVR experience at JFK Medical Center (39:01 minutes).
Neurocognitive Decline After Cardiopulmonary Bypass: It’s Not Just Flow and Pressure (EP Video)
Dr. Michael Black discusses the ways to prevent neuorcognitive decline after cardiac surgery (43:42 minutes).
The Use of Cardiopulmonary Support in Managing the TAVR Patient (EP Video)
Dr. Marcos Nores discusses the use of CPS for TAVR patients (25:33 minutes).
TAVR: CoreValve and Conscious Sedation (EP Video)
Dr. Lee Lucas discusses Lee memorial's experience with CoreValve and conscious sedation (42:30 minutes).
TAVR Case Studies and TEE Images (EP Video)
Dr. Arvind Kapila presents a few case studies on the TAVR experience at JFK Medical Center (39:01 minutes).
Evolving Science of Platelets and PRP (EP Video)
Douglas Meeks discusses the current trends with Platelet-Rich Plasma (39:24 minutes).