Role of Activated Growth Factors in Lumbar Spinal Fusions
The theoretical benefits of AGF platelet gel technology were not clinically appreciated. The cost of implementing this technology may therefore outweigh its theoretical benefits.
Transplantation of Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Platelet-Rich Plasma During Distraction Osteogenesis
Clinical results of distraction osteogenesis with transplantation of marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) were reviewed in three femora […]
Using Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to Improve Bone Regeneration in Implant Bone Defect
The Results esult in this study implied that PRP in combination with beta-TCP can improve bone regeneration in bone defect adjacent to oral implantation.
Platelet-Rich Plasma: Evidence to Support Its Use
Posted with the Permission of Robert E. Marx DDS
An Analysis of Oxygen Consumption and Oxygen Delivery in Euthermic Infants After Cardiopulmonary Bypass With Modified Ultrafiltration
Control of body temperature to maintain euthermia in addition to the use of MUF may be beneficial to the balance between O2 and DO2 in the early postoperative period.
Clinical Effectiveness of Leukocyte Filtration During Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
In COPD patients having CPB, systemic leukocyte depletion at early reperfusion was associated with better oxygenation, shorter intubation time, and shorter ICU and hospital stays.
Femoral Cannulation is Safe for Type A Dissection Repair
Straight femoral cannulation for all phases of type A dissection repair is appropriate and yields excellent clinical results. The anticipated malperfusion events are actually rare (2 of 79 with femoral artery cannulation, or 2.5%).
Does the Arterial Cannulation Site for Circulatory Arrest Influence Stroke Risk?
Axillary inflow plus graft reduces stroke and is our method of choice for complex cardiac and cardioaortic operations that necessitate circulatory arrest. Retrograde or antegrade perfusion is used selectively.
Optimizing Donor Heart Outcome After Prolonged Storage With Endothelial Function Analysis and Continuous Perfusion
Better systolic function despite 16 hours' more preservation than cold storage corroborates the idea that CP supports aerobic metabolism at physiologically important levels.
Intraaortic Balloon Pumping Improves Hemodynamics and Right Ventricular Efficiency in Acute Ischemic Right Ventricular Failure
Intraaortic balloon pump support does not alter right or left ventricular function in acute right ventricular failure. However, arterial pressure, cardiac output, and right ventricular efficiency are improved, possibly because of a balloon pump–induced reduction in pulmonary arterial resistance.
Total Arterial Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Revascularization of the Total Coronary System: Clinical Outcome and Angiographic Evaluation
Total arterial off-pump coronary artery bypass yielded good clinical results and an excellent patency rate of revascularization for the total coronary system.
Heterotopic Heart Transplantation: An Expanding Role in the Twenty-First Century?
Heterotopic heart transplantation is a viable transplant option for selected high-risk heart transplant recipients in spite of somewhat poorer outcomes.