Validation Study of the Transfusion Risk and Clinical Knowledge (TRACK) Tool in Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Retrospective Analysis
The Transfusion Risk and Clinical Knowledge (TRACK) scoring system has been developed for predicting perioperative blood transfusions. However, the TRACK score needs to be validated externally in the US population. The primary objective of this study is to validate TRACK at the authors’ institution.
Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Dual Antiplatelet Therapy: a Strategy to Minimise Transfusions and Blood Loss
Patients with preoperative dual antiplatelet therapy prior to coronary artery bypass surgery are at risk of bleeding and blood component transfusion. We hypothesise that an optimised cardiopulmonary bypass strategy reduces postoperative blood loss and transfusions.
Comparison of Machine Learning Methods With National Cardiovascular Data Registry Models for Prediction of Risk of Bleeding After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Can machine learning techniques, bolstered by better selection of variables, improve prediction of major bleeding after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)?
Association Between Cyanosis, Transfusion, and Thrombotic Complications in Neonates and Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Children with congenital heart defects are at increased risk for perioperative bleeding and postoperative thrombosis. In this study, the authors sought to develop a predictive model for postoperative thrombotic complications that integrates intraoperative bleeding and the requirement for allogenic blood products in addition to known patient and surgical characteristics.
Tranexamic Acid and Convulsive Seizures After Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: the Role of Renal Insufficiency
There is evidence that, in adult cardiac surgical patients undergoing on-pump procedures, tranexamic acid (TXA) dose-dependently increases the risk of convulsive seizure (CS).
Perioperative Anemia Management as Part of PBM in Cardiac Surgery – A Narrative Updated Review
Anemia is common in patients with cardiac disease. Iron deficiency is the cause of anemia in about 80% of all cases. Preoperative anemia is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Comparison Between Measured and Calculated Free Calcium Values at Different Serum Albumin Concentrations
Free ionic calcium is the metabolically active component of total calcium (TCa) in blood. However, most laboratories report TCa levels that are […]
Perioperative Anemia: Prevalence, Consequences and Pathophysiology
In major elective surgery, patient may be exposed to the effects of pre-operative anemia, blood loss and red cell transfusion, all of which may adversely influence post-operative rates of morbidity, mortality and readmission, and length of hospital stay.
Management Of The Patient Presenting With Anaemia In The Preoperative Setting
Preoperative anaemia is common, seen in a third of patients before major surgery. Both preoperative anaemia and blood transfusion are associated with increased patient risk and adverse outcome. Patient Blood Management (PBM) is the multidisciplinary, multimodal approach to optimising the care of patients who may require blood transfusion.
Patient Blood Management In The Cardiac Surgical Setting: An Updated Overview
In cardiac surgical patients it is a complex challenge to find the ideal balance between anticoagulation and hemostasis. Preoperative anemia and perioperative higher transfusion rates are related to increased morbidity and mortality. Patient blood management (PBM) is an evidence based patient specific individualized protocol used in the perioperative setting in order to reduce perioperative bleeding and transfusion rates and to improve patient outcomes.
Patient Blood Management Is Not About Blood Transfusion: It Is About Patients’ Outcomes
Patient Blood Management (PBM) is "the timely application of evidence-based medical and surgical concepts designed to maintain hemoglobin concentration, optimize hemostasis and minimize blood loss in an effort to improve patient outcome".
The Influence of Carbon Dioxide Field Flooding in Mitral Valve Operations With Cardiopulmonary Bypass on S100ß Level in Blood Plasma in the Aging Brain
Abstract INTRODUCTION: The risk of air microembolism during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is high and influences the postoperative outcome, especially in elderly patients. […]