Hetastarch Increases the Risk of Bleeding Complications in Patients After Off-Pump Coronary Bypass Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Hetastarch is an artificial colloid widely used intraoperatively in fluid-replacement regimens. Previous studies have found that the intraoperative administration of hetastarch may increase the risk of postoperative bleeding in patients who undergo coronary artery bypass graft surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
Relationships Among Haemoglobin Level, Packed Red Cell Transfusion and Clinical Outcomes in Patients Affter Cardiac Surgery
To vetify associations among haemoglobin (Hb) concentrations, blood transfusions, and clinical outcomes in patients after cardiac surgery, especially in those who undergo valve replacement or bypass surgery.
Timing and Incidence of Postoperative Infections Associated With Blood Transfusion: Analysis of 1,489 Orthopedic and Cardiac Surgery Patients
Transfusion rates remain high in cardiac and orthopedic surgery and differ widely across physician practices in spite of growing knowledge that allogeneic blood transfusion (ABT) is associated with a risk of postoperative infection.
The Benefit of the Arterial Filter Exceeds the Risk in Small Children (Video)
Dave Fitzgerald discusses the use of arterial line filter in pediatric perfusion circuits (39 minutes).
The Effect on Long-Term Survival of Erythrocyte Transfusion Given for Cardiac Valve Operations
Studies in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) have shown an increased long-term mortality rates associated with perioperative blood transfusions.
Less Is More In Blood Transfusion Study
A new study suggests that blood transfusions for hospitalized cardiac patients should be a last resort because they double the risk of infection and increase by four times the risk of death.
Blood Transfusions Double risk of infection for Heart Bypass Patients
Heart bypass patients who receive blood transfusions are twice as likely to develop an infection after their operation, a new study shows.
State of the Art Blood Management in Cardiac Surgery
Blood has been described as the most precious and personal substance in the world (1), and caregivers focused on cardiac surgery issues now know that the current direction today in cardiac surgery is to actively move away from transfusing donor “allogeneic” blood products, and towards improved methods of keeping and saving the patient’s own autologous blood.
Stabilized Infective Endocarditis and Altered Heparin Responsiveness During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
We investigated whether heparin responsiveness was still altered in stabilized IE patients undergoing cardiac surgery in a prospective, controlled trial.
Tug of War: Blood Management Safety (Video)
Susan Englert brings insight into the role perfusionists can play as part of a comprehensive blood management program (21 minutes).
Bivalirudin: An Alternative Anticoagulant (Video)
Craig Vocelka discusses Bivalirudin as an alternative anticoagulant for patients with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (22 minutes).
Anemia: An Independent Predictor of Death and Hospitalizations among Elderly Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
This retrospective cohort study by Sharma and coworkers examined and quantified the relationship between anemia and mortality and hospitalizations in 13,067 elderly patients with AF.