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Platelet Function Testing in Patients on Antiplatelet Therapy before Cardiac Surgery
Although preoperative P2Y12 receptor inhibitor therapy may reduce ischemic events, late preoperative exposure to P2Y12 receptor inhibitors increases the risk of surgery-associated bleeding and reoperation for bleeding.
Impact of Transfusion of Autologous 7- versus 42-Day-Old AS-3 Red Blood Cells on Tissue Oxygenation and the Microcirculation in Healthy Volunteers
Transfusion of 1 unit of 42-day-stored RBCs to healthy subjects has no overt detrimental effect on tissue oxygenation or the microcirculation assessed by clinically available monitors.
Peritoneal Dialysis Vs Diuretics in Children After Congenital Heart Surgery
This study conducted a comprehensive search in Medline, EMBASE, Scopus, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from the databases’ inception through April 24, 2018. Independent reviewers selected studies and extracted data. A random effects meta-analysis was performed to pool the outcomes of interest across studies.