A Real-Time Analysis of Intraoperative Interruptions in Relation to Use of Simple Preventive Measures Including A Sign On The Door and A Checklist-Based Team Brief
Our findings revealed significantly reduced interruptions after a simple preventive measure including team brief and the placement of a warning sign for unnecessary door openings.
Heparin Resistance — Clinical Perspectives and Management Strategies
Heparin resistance is suspected when more heparin than usual is needed to achieve a therapeutic range of activated partial-thromboplastin time. Management may include increasing the heparin dose, supplementing antithrombin III levels, and using direct thrombin inhibitors.
Acute Kidney Injury During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: VA ECMO Versus VV ECMO
Although mortality rates related to AKI/severe AKI during VV ECMO are high, the occurrence of AKI/severe AKI during VA ECMO should be given greater attention, as these instances are considered strong indicators of patient deterioration and even death. Additional studies are needed to corroborate these findings.
Prone Positioning in Postoperative Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Narrative Review
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of available literature, which seems to suggest the efficacy of prone positioning, and to make an in-depth analysis of the studies on this topic by evaluating the efficacy of this maneuver on hard endpoints.
Perfusion Art: “Thoracic Park…”
Perfusion Art: “Thoracic Park…” Photographer: Frank Aprile, CCP, BBA, LP Equipment: I Phone 8+ Editing: Photoshop Narrative: End of a long day- TAVRs x 3 Time & […]
Comparison of the Effects of Ringer’s Lactate and 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.4 on Blood Loss and Need for Blood Transfusion After Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Cardiac Surgery
Crystalloids (RL) provide similar outcomes to HES and can be used as substitutes to colloids during cardiac surgery. However, further large-scale multicenter studies with varied indications can be suggested to substantiate the equivalence of crystalloids to colloids in perioperative management.
Postoperative Nadir Hemoglobin and Adverse Outcomes in Patients Undergoing On-Pump Cardiac Operation
Compared with the risks when nadir hemoglobin is 9.0 to 9.9 g/dL, the risk of composite adverse events increases when postoperative nadir hemoglobin is below 9.0 g/dL, whereas risk of death increases when nadir hemoglobin is below 7.0 g/dL.
An Update From The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Workforce on Evidence-Based Surgery: Improving the Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines
Indirect evidence on the impact of CPGs may also be derived from observing temporal trends in practice patterns and outcomes before and after publication of CPGs. A better understanding of when, how, and how completely CPGs are implemented in various practice settings is currently lacking, and more research is needed to address existing hurdles in implementation of CPGs.
Patient Blood Management and Blood Conservation – Complimentary Concepts and Solutions for Blood Establishments and Clinical Services in South Africa and Beyond
In this article, we hope to convey the message that PBM and blood conservation should not be seen as competing concepts, but rather complimentary strategies with the common goal of improving patient care. This offers opportunity to improve the culture of transfusion practices with relief to blood establishments and clinical services, not only in South Africa and LMICs, but everywhere. With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting blood supplies worldwide, this is an ideal time to call for educational interventions and awareness as an active strategy to improve transfusion practices, immed
Elimination of CO2 Insufflation-Induced Hypercapnia in Open Heart Surgery Using an Additional Venous Reservoir
An additional venous reservoir for the evacuation of blood from the open surgical wound eliminates CO2 insufflation-induced hypercapnia in open heart surgery keeping PaCO2 and sweep gas flow constant. This prevents possible CO2-induced hyperperfusion of the brain and decreases the risk of cerebral particulate embolization during CO2 insufflation for de-airing in open heart surgery.
Which Factors Have a Great Impact on Coagulopathy and Hemostatic Impairment after Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Cardiovascular Surgery? An Analysis Based on Rotational Thromboelastometry
In perioperative hemostatic management using ROTEM, attention should be given to the effects of these multiple factors.
Non-Governmental Organizations Delivering Global Cardiac Surgical Care: A Quantitative Impact Assessment
NGOs effectively address the burden of cardiac surgical disease in LMICs and contribute to local capacity-building. Increased, more detailed, and standardized reporting of the impact and outcomes of NGOs is necessary to better understand annual cardiac surgical volume and to support local centers working towards independent services.