Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneAn Overview on the OnCloud Quality Management SystemAn Overview on the OnCloud Quality Management SystemEpic StaffingMain Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone LVADs and Short-Term Devices (Video) Dr. Nicholas Smedira discusses current trends with LVADs and other implantible devices (23 minutes).
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Anesthetic Management for Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Update for 2014 A brief review of the bypass circuit is undertaken in this review
Blood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Red Blood Cell Storage Lesion and Adverse Clinical Outcomes: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc? Changes in RBC properties during storage have been known for decades, but the exact significance of these changes is still largely uncertain.