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Protamine Test Dose: Impact on Activated Clotting Time and Circuit Integrity
Regardless of the protamine test dosage, there is no reliable way to predict how a patient’s ACT will respond to a protamine test dose. Clot formation and circuit integrity is at risk when pump suction devices are continuously in use during PTD administration. Therefore, we strongly recommend that the direct recovery of mediastinal shed blood into the pump circuit be discontinued before any amount of protamine is administered to the patient.
Novel Percutaneous Dual-Lumen Cannula-Based Right Ventricular Assist Device Provides Effective Support for Refractory Right Ventricular Failure after Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation
The use of the Protek Duo as a percutaneous RVAD is a safe and feasible treatment for patients who develop acute right heart failure after LVAD implantation.
Validation of Cardiac Surgery-Associated Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Score for Prediction of Cardiac Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury
The CSA-NGAL score has a high sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value that can translate into improved outcomes and resource allocation. It is believed that adding it to the existing clinical scoring systems for AKI prediction will be productive.