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Perfusion NewswireCircuit SurfersA New Tool: Job Shadow Goals & Observations

A New Tool: Job Shadow Goals & Observations


Editor’s Note:


A job shadow candidate, came up with a an innovative tool designed to outline some basic learning objectives for potential perfusion students.  In all reality, this is a no-brainer, and I’m surprised that I was actually surprised.  I invite your perfusion teams to use it, it’s simple yet represents a nice guideline for areas to cover, in order to maximize the exposure of the  many aspects of perfusion that we encounter frequently (or not so frequently) 🙂

My name is Faith Gaskamp, I am a senior at Texas A&M University and I am interested in observing a perfusionist practice in hopes to become a more competitive applicant for a Cardiovascular Perfusion program. I am currently earning my teaching certification in School Health, but would love the experience to shadow or watch a few procedures.
I am hoping to gain insight into the roles and responsibilities of members of the staff, reflect and learn from what I observe, and understand more about how a perfusionist would function in a hospital setting.I would be happy to provide you with an outline indicating what I am expecting from the shadowing as well as provide feedback and reflections from what I observe.

Email: [email protected]


This potential perfusion candidate followed up on her promise to deliver, and delivered what in my opinion- is very good tool for Job Shadow candidates as well as a good documentation tool for perfusion managers.  Plz  click on image to view the tool below 🙂




Nice job Faith!

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