A Pump is Born… 1

Editor’s Note:
Sometimes you get lucky enough to be part of either a new program, or in this case, getting 2 new pumps 6 days before Christmas! All I can say, looking at our new hardware/pumps? They are just damn pretty! These happen to be the newest generation/iteration of what is IMO the best and sturdiest pump design on the market. I just love these beasts! And NO- I’m NOT getting paid to say that! 🙂
I just admire sleekness and the equine confirmation that exudes from this pump. Clean lines, smaller footprint, better non-fatiguable materials, and very SOLID tech/rep support.
Maybe it won’t inspire me as much went it’s had a few blood spills, or some wear- but what is very clear here? This is a workhorse, with a 90 minute battery life- for power outages ( in other words a better backup system then the Atlanta International Airport).
Follow along on this photo-essay that represents a half-a-day adventure getting this puppy built.
A shout out to Chris, Blake, Renee, and Jacquie! These were the architects that got the pumps here after an extended period of time. No one quit!
Chris working on specs at breakfast this morning
It’s NOT E=MC2- BUT it is a nice on-the-fly diagram 🙂
Thanks Jacquie! She is a pittbull and played a key role in making this happen before New Years 🙂
It’s not a people mover- but I wish we had one leading from Heather’s office to ours?
Meet Blake. This guy is a mahine. Reminds me of Data (from StarTrek 2nd Generation). Very Very knowledgeable, and knows his stuff!
Awww…… The lisle Pump That could 🙂
Looking pretty scruffy and homeless 🙁
Assembly tools
One step at a time….
The “H” of the HL machine
Almost looks like Christmas sales tags lol
Metal parts replacing former plastic versions
Organizing modules
Purple for Cardioplegia?
The software upgrade for setting up and configuring the pumps is big plus +++
Intuitive process for assigning restrictions or interventions to each separate pump
And so forth…
Screen filed are populated according to user preference 🙂
We all have our comfort zones 🙂
Matching Modules to interventions…
I think it’s getting there…
Renee finally duplicated herself- that should make the staff here pretty happy LOL