A Locum’s ScrapBook: New Hallways…
Editor’s Note:
I’m doing some perfusion traveling as I am taking my show on the road. As such, every once in awhile I will be dropping a few notes and pictures of places visited, and observations made. In a sense, the beginning of a scrap book on Open Heart Surgery in America (and other places if possible).
Enjoy 🙂
To view the entire series- click here: A Locum’s ScrapBook.
“Traveling Through the South”
1st assignment… Check!
Next assignment, here we come…
And it is nestled in the cradle of the Antebellum South, a city where people are incredibly friendly as well as helpful. Coming from South East Texas, this landscape is a little different, it’s wetter, about the same shade of green, but it reeks of deep Southern history. Many ghosts of hopes and dreams wander the corridors along the river beds, the sidewalks and many pathways down in the historic down town area.
The hospital is very large, and the staff are very nice. Looking forward to seeing how we do it here:)
I’ll keep you posted- a hint though, the ECC is a closed system, something I haven’t used since going through my perfusion training. Looks very familiar though- so no worries.
One of the most beautiful chapels have ever seen in my life !