A Letter from Florence, Italy

I got this letter from a reader overseas. I am printing it because every once in awhile we can all use a lift, and the last few days, a lot of heavy criticism has been laid down regarding Circuit Surfers.
So thank you Seanne. It really helped 🙂
I’m Seanne Azzolina, born in Dallas tx, I work in Florence ,Italy and have been following you since the beginning!!
I just love circuit surfers and have introduced it to as many italian colleagues I could get a hold of…even showing it in a slide at a presentation on perfusion education.
Picture Credits: Emiliano Vitalini… Editor and owner: www.perfusione.net
I appreciate the art gallery and keep on wanting to send you pics but never getting around to it…sooner or later…
take care and keep on surfing!!!
You bet !
And I DEFINITELY could use some more pictures.
I just weeded the gallery down a bit ! 🙂
Thanks again, for the kind words.
Click to Donate
Any Donations are for the cost and development of an International Perfusion Art Gallery, Framing, Printing, Matting, and Expenses associated with delivering the Gallery to future Perfusion Conferences.
A project of this nature hasn’t been tried before, but it would be a lot of fun to see something like this at a perfusion conference, as an effort to improve and develop our international awareness as well as appreciate some very dynamic art !
Anything helps- $10 -$25 or whatever- It will all add up…