Please Review My Site

I think the worst thing anybody can do…
Is sit thinking they are all-that– and have it all wrapped up.
Just when you think it’s all good, you find out that, that just maybe- it’s not as cute as you thought, and indeed- some polishing may be required.
New and shiny only lasts so long, introspection should never be callously tossed aside, and people aren’t always going to react the way you hope or anticipate them to.
For that matter they may not approve at all. So it leaves a plate in front of you that might be unfamiliar, and my approach to that is that new challenges tend to make you better.
One thing that has impressed me over the last few months is the steady migration of perfusionists from other countries to this site. That is so cool and amazing, because the intent of this blog is to develop a tool for dialogue and interaction- to assist one another- when encountering something unexpected or new.
Obviously having input from divergent cultures implies exposure to new paradigms and approaches to problem solving. So if that is the case- then Circuit Surfers is doing exactly what it is designed to do.
Basically we are heading in that direction: A multicultural approach to perfusion.
I thank all of you for visiting, and ask that you look at this site as something that we can mold together as a team- with different perspectives, share new approaches, and establish a non-confrontational forum for discussion of delicate subjects where there are many differing points of view.
So… Give Me a Hand?
Let me know if there are anythings you would like to see on this blog- as well as what works and what doesn’t.
I don’t want this to be a monologue- it was designed to be a platform from which we can all take turns to submit our ideas or criticisms and improve the profession.
Thanks again-