Perfusion NewswireCircuit Surfers100,000 Visits100,000 VisitsFrank AprileCircuit Surfers, 6 Digits ….. 13 Months … DID IT ! Click To Enlarge Thank You ! 149 Countries = WE DID IT ! 350 + Heart Programs = Next Goal… Half a Million Blog Reads ! A LOT of Work – A lot of Dialogue … 🙂
ECMO Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone Joint Perfusion COVID-19 Task Force Webinar 5/14/2020 Join the Joint Perfusion COVID-19 Task Force for the next live webinar on Thursday, May 14 to hear from physicians from around the world on COVID-19 treatments, reopening ORs, and starting up CPB again.
ECMO Zone, Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations After discussion of the scoping reviews and the evidence update, the task force prioritized several topics for new systematic reviews.
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Changes in Anti-Heat Shock Protein 27 Antibody and C-Reactive Protein Levels Following Cardiac Surgery and their Association with Cardiac Function in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease Cardiopulmonary bypass had no significant effect on the induction of changes in anti-Hsp27 levels.