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Evaluation of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Therapy as a Bridging Method
Our study suggests bridging ECMO patients to an LVAD before transplantation will result in improved 1-year survival compared with patients bridged to immediate transplantation. With the new heart allocation system, continued evaluation of outcomes is required to inform management strategies.
A Novel Technique to Retrograde Autologous Prime the Sorin Inspire 6F Dual Chamber Venous Reservoir Oxygenator (EP Video)
Brian Forsberg presents a novel technique for autologous priming the Sorin Inspire 6F Dual oxygenator (14:23 minutes).
Vasopressin Induces Rectosigmoidal Mucosal Ischemia during Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The aim of this study was to analyze whether CPB with or without additional vasopressin administration affects the rectosigmoidal mucosal microcirculation