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CABG Turmoil (EP Video)
Jessica Silva presents a short case report on CABG Turmoil (19:28 minutes).
Initial ELSO Guidance Document ECMO for COVID-19 Patients with Severe Cardiopulmonary Failure
The Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) and all of the ELSO worldwide chapters have prepared this document to describe when and how to use extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in COVID-19 patients during this pandemic.
Intraoperative Red Blood Cell Salvage in Posterior Spinal Fusions for Idiopathic Scoliosis: Identifying Potential Criteria for Selective Use
The use of ICS in IS patients undergoing PSF resulted in the return of > / = 250 cc of ICS blood (similar volume to one allogeneic unit) in only 6.5% of cases. Charges for ICS set-up and processing of one bowl of ICS is much higher than for one allogeneic unit ($1200 vs. $462 US), hence transfusing lower volumes of autologous ICS blood is not cost-effective for all PSF for IS.