Why is my Patient Bleeding? A Snapshot of Hemostasis, Part II

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Editor’s Note:
We have all revisted this pathway intensively throughout our careers, and of course, we have all been clinically challenged by open-heart cases that test our fundamental understanding of coagulation theory in real time, at a level that certainly reflects a fairly deep dive into esoteric hematology.
So i am keeping it simple, and found information from two sites, that in my opinion transforms the complex picture of a picture like this, by MC Escher…
Into something a little more clinically palatable such as this Salvador Dali Painting…
This is Part II
Coagulation Diagrams Courtesy of: Dr. Thomas Whitehill
<a href="https://www prednisone online.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/medicalschool/departments/surgery/education/GrandRounds/Documents/GRpdfs/2007-2008/3-17-08%20Whitehill.pdf”>
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