When Your Valve Specialist- Becomes Your Teacher…

Matt Braga, Southwest Region Manager (Medtronic), getting us prepped for the Lab.
Editor’s Note:
There are a few things I have missed in my career development, one of which was direct hands-on experience 1st assisting on open-heart procedures, and and valve operations. It seems I always 1st assisted at institutions that didn’t do open-hearts.
Well, today we had some representatives from Medtronic, come into our OR to offer a hands-on course on Valve Reconstruction, Anatomy, and Operating Techniques / Considerations.
If you have the opportunity to participate in a course as well conceived as this, I highly suggest you contact your valve representative and see if it is offered. It be well worth your time and will improve your understanding of valve anatomy, approaches, pitfalls, and surgical challenges immensely.
Tim Waters – (Principal Sales Representative), and Charles Levesque PA-C – (Principal Training and Education Specialist), and Matt Braga, (Southwest Region Manager), ran the lab and everybody as you can see below, had a lot of fun, and certainly gained from the experience.
Kudos especially to Time Waters for his constant encouragement and support, and as well- a special thanks to Charles Levesque PA-C for an extraordinarily comprehensive and intuitive approach to teaching a very complex and intense subject.
Check it out 🙂
Getting Prepped …
Thinking outside the BOX … (click on any image to enlarge)
Tools of the trade
Tim Waters – Principal Sales Representative
Valve leaflets exposed …
Charles Levesque PA-C – Principal Training and Education Specialist
Hands On…
Anatomy & Dissection (Pig Heart)
More of same …
Class Participation…
Doing an AVR 🙂
The Finished Product !
Nice Job ! Great Lab!