When Perfusion Meets the Art of Cooking…

“It’s not often I see a team that is wrapped so tight- that clearly loves what they do- and embraces the scary cases that we are presented with- in a manner that tosses away every doubt- and embraces the probability of success.”
Editor’s Note:
This week was a tuff week. A lot of last minute changes, sick patients, 15% EF’s, you know- the basic stuff that defines our perfusion lives. The underlying meme however, was that it was indeed “Perfusion Appreciation Week”. Kind of a shocker, because if I am not mistaken, last week on my FB, the site exploded with a total barrage of international FB posts and images of Perfusion week (did I say last week), so obviously there must be multiple perfusion weeks? I guess?
LOL- It doesn’t matter because that isn’t the point of this post anyway.
My attention really is not to us as perfusionists, rather the true people that should be applauded for whatever week we decide is “Perfusion Appreciation Week”, and that would be basically every week in relationship to the most significant of OUR “other halves“, OUR spouses, OUR children, OUR pets, and OUR close friends, that are intimately impacted by the unanticipated variances our lives forward to us and our families- most often- with little forewarning. They are with us when the unexpected becomes the norm, they are with us when last minute shuffling is expected, they are with us when family plans, dental and medical appointments are missed or rearranged, they are with us because obviously- a failing heart supersedes whatever family event that happens to be on that table on whatever particular day- the “shit” hits the fan so to speak. And because they are with us, this is really more for them then it is for us.
I especially want to thank my wife, Kashmir Elizabeth Aprile for all the endurance and unquestioning love YOU provide when I am gone for so many long stretches of our lives. It is truly a sacrifice and a blessing wrapped into one. “I couldn’t do this without you my dearest”. #PerfusionWeek is for you and our beautiful children.
As part of the respect conferred by #PerfusionAppreciationWeek– there are two perfusionists I would like recognize and extend my heartfelt thank you and professional courtesy to- at this hospital that we all work at: Serious #RESPECT to Jessica Edwards CCP, and Holly Baggett, CCP for the hard work you do tirelessly, the support you offer to Locum’s staff such as myself, and the obvious commitment you deliver each and every day to your profession as American Board Certified Perfusionists.
HASHTAG that # my brothers and sisters 🙂
IMO- I think it would be appropriate to explore the other half of the perfusion equation, the part that we live for, sacrifice for:
Please allow me to introduce you to CHEF Adam Edwards. (my colleague Jessica Edwards’ husband- )
He prepared and presented two amazing cakes to share with our CV staff for #PerfusionWeek 🙂
We were in the middle of a 3-4 heart day, and Jess brought in two cakes Chef Edwards prepared for our celebration of Perfusion week- but in all reality- it was a true thank you to the entire staff that we work together with- day-in-day out to make every case- the BEST case we possibly can.
It’s not often I see a team that is wrapped so tight- that clearly loves what they do- and embraces the scary cases that we are presented with- in a manner that tosses away every doubt- and embraces the probability of success. We all know and agree when we see a case that is “totally gonna suck”, we identify it, label it, and then we take it one step further- and pull the patient through so that they are better off after we met them, then the condition they were in when they came to the hospital to begin with.
I respect that. Happy Perfusion week to all the patients we put on CPB in the 194 countries or so that have visited here 🙂
If You are EVER in Evansville Indiana- make a date with Chef Edwards– Here is his website 🙂
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