When is Younger TOO Young ? A Perfusion Survey
Gainsborough’s Blue Boy, 1770
Little Lord Fontelroy Meets Perfusion …
We again discuss age here, but go to the other side of the spectrum: away from older perfusionists and on to the younger brood entering our ranks…
Please note the picture below and ask yourself- who are they and why are they so young?
The Young Gunz … of Perfusion
Well, they are all graduating perfusionists that put their resume’s online here @ ‘Surfers, and the reason they are so young is because they just graduated from a perfusion program- in other words- new college grads silly 🙂
Anyway, they are all in their early to mid 20’s, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and ready to start doing some perfusionate-ing (if that’s a word LOL).
Related Posts & Survey Links:
* click-here-to-take-the-survey
* click-here-to-view-survey-results
Are they Ready?
Can a 23 year old successfully navigate a tough pump run?
Can someone with zero prior O.R. or medical experience, graduate from an accredited program, take their perfusion degree, and safely pump a case?
They have the training, but can they handle the pressure? Will they be taken seriously by their O.R. team members?
Well, their schools say they are and can, and so do their resume’s. Just as ready as anyone of us who graduated a decade or more so- ago.
When I started, I felt I was ready. I knew I was perfusion stupid, but I trusted my gut, and didn’t let things scare me. I was too dumb to be intimidated, but I thought I was good- better than good- better than you.
I think if you don’t think you are the best – when you walk in the room, you should probably walk out. I certainly respected the experience that older perfusionists brought to the table- the calmness and certainty that they would ALWAYS have a solution. But I wasn’t afraid of my lack of experience.
I just loved it, and if you love it- well, you will be fine.
So, to answer the above questions on whether or not they can do it …
Can they get the job done?
I think they can !
Will they get better?
Of course they will- or they won’t last.
Are they as good as we were when we graduated?
I Think so… Our profession has only improved since I went to school.
Does the exuberance of youthful enthusiasm trump an experienced war horse?
Probably not- but it might make them remember how they got there 🙂
Do Simulators Replace Experience ?
Since I have zero experience with simulators, that question is best tabled to those of you that have trained with them or have at least played around with them.
My feeling is that they help a lot. They can create scenario’s that one would have to wait several years in terms of real life clinical experience- to actually encounter.
Any input ?