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Increasing Duration of Circulatory Arrest, but not Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion, Prolongs Postoperative Recovery after Neonatal Cardiac Surgery
Therefore, in this study, the impact of duration of DHCA and ACP on postoperative recovery was analyzed in a cohort of neonates undergoing aortic arch reconstruction.
Inverted Stress- Induced Cardiomyopathy as a Unusual Variant of Acute Heart Failure after Cesarean Delivery- A Case Report
Stress- induced cardiomyopathy is acute, reversible left ventricle mainly apical dysfunction in patients with normal coronary angiography. In this paper we report a unique case of 36-year old woman after cesarean delivery.
Acute Normovolaemic Haemodilution With Crystalloids in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Preliminary Survey of Haemostatic Markers
This study was designed to determine the effect of crystalloids on measured coagulation values and perioperative blood loss following ANH in patients undergoing elective coronary revascularization.