Week 2: Our Warriors: Meet our Hispanic Brothers- Jaime & Jesus

Editor’s Note:
Say HELLO to Jaime & Jesus. They work at Los Bravos Mexican Restaurant. They came to America- found opportunity- and cook great food.
Now they repay us- and they are giving us our opportunity to at least get take out food, and they are very brave and exemplary in doing it.
Jesus- on the right? He is tired and can barely stand- yet he does stand- and welcomes all that come in. He is clearly at risk- but he stands tall and accepts that risk- to welcome people to this restaurant. I admire him for that. I asked him if he was tired- in my broken Spanish, and he waves it off and says he is ok.
I have known Jaime on a casual basis for the last two years when I come to Evansville to do hearts. We share stories about our children- and have formed a bond of mutual respect.
I showed him these pictures today- of my children- of whom I am so very proud!