Perfusion NewswireCircuit SurfersWe Are Getting Close: #250We Are Getting Close: #250Frank AprileCircuit Surfers, Editor’s Note: Hi all- I just need 47 more responses to get to the point where we can publish the results. Plz share? Let’s get to 250 and more 🙂 Click the link Below
Blood Management, Perfusion Devices, Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter Clotting Functional Stability of Withdrawing Blood in Storage for Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution: A Pilot Study Even though the MCE significantly decreased in a time-dependent manner, MCF of FIBTEM and EXTEM was normal up to 24 h storage. The blood of ANH can use for the purpose of hemostasis at least 8 h stored at room temperature after blood withdrawal.
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone The Science of Hemodynamic Support (EP Video) Kelly O’Connor from Abiomed discusses the science of hemodynamic support with VAD patients (25:06 minutes).
Circuit Surfers, Saturday Morning Brunch VII Impromptu Circuit Modifications The perfusion “Jerry Rig” … 2nd Week of April To see all the of the Saturday Morning Brunch series […]