Use of Autologous Fibrin-Platelet Glue and Bone Fragments in Maxillofacial Surgery
The use of autologous cryo-platelet gel and bone fragments in maxillofacial surgery is described. Cryo-platelet gel has been used successfully in 5 patients who underwent surgery for maxillary or mandibular problems. The level of improvement was scored, arbitrarily, from 0 to 4. Very favourable results were seen in our 5 patients. The glue preparation is very easy and inexpensive and the glue creates excellent and stable hemostasis. From a general point of view, we add additional anecdotal evidence supporting the utility of fibrin-platelet glue in terms of reduced infections and length of hospital stay, which suggest the need for well planned and controlled trials to show if there is benefit and when and this treatment modality should be used in maxillofacial surgery.