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The Optimal Cell Salvage Settings to Maximize Hematocrit and Minimize Potassium Using the Cobe BRAT2 Autologous Blood Recovery Unit
Red-cell washing produces higher hematocrit and lower potassium as infusion rate and wash rate decrease. A 340-mL unit of RBC can be processed in 4.26 minutes without loss of hematocrit or an increase in potassium when both infusion and wash rates are set to 400 mL/min.
Temperature Management and Monitoring Practices During Adult Cardiac Surgery Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Results of a Canadian National Survey
The purpose of the present study was to examine current temperature management and monitoring practices during adult cardiac surgery using CPB in Canada.
Staged Palliation of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: Trends in Mortality, Cost, and Length of Stay Using a National Database from 2000 Through 2009
This study sought to evaluate (1) trends in HLHS surgical outcomes including in-hospital mortality, length of stay (LOS), and cost, and (2) patient and hospital risk factors associated with these outcomes.