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Recognizing and Supporting Morally Injured ICU Professionals during the COVID‑19 Pandemic
A person becomes morally injured if exposed to repeated incidents of moral distress or due to a single egregious violation of morality.
A Comparative Study of Root Coverage With Connective Tissue and Platelet Concentrate Grafts: 8-Month Results
The objectives of this randomized clinical trial were to assess the clinical efficacy of platelet concentrate grafts (PCG) in the treatment of Miller Class I or II buccal gingival defects and to compare their soft tissue healing with those of subepithelial connective tissue grafts (SCTG).
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Maternal Arrhythmic Cardiogenic Shock
We report the first case of the use of ECMO for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia with cardiogenic shock in a pregnant woman.